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PICs and Power Training Course
PICs driving motors and stepper motors
and 3 ways to measuring temperature

New January 2025

GPICHSM is our new PICs & Power training circuit. It is shown below without the heatsink.
The GPICHSM has sockets to plug in a 16x2 LCD, keypad, LM35 temperature sensor, thermistor temperature sensor, BMP280 air pressure and temperature sensor, and has four high current P channel MOSFETs and four high current N channel MOSFETs. The output (drain) of each MOSFET goes to a screw terminal and can be used as four individual 5 amp outputs or connected as two bridge circuits. The LCD can be plugged into the middle of the PCB to form a neat compact module or plugged into its usual socket at the front of the PCB.
The picture above shows the GPICHSM with the LCD plugged into the middle socket. The picture below shows the LCD plugged into the socket at the front.

The training manual supplied with this course assumes that the reader has some programmimg experience. If you are a complete beginner the best place to start is book 1 of our P955 Training Course or part 1 of our Mini Training Course.

The manual starts with a brief general introduction and chapter 2 provides an introduction to 18F PICs. We begin our study in chapter 3 with a few simple experiments to gain familiarity with the GPICHSM. In chapters 4 and 5 we revise timers, interrupts and analogue to digital conversion.

In chapters 6, 7 and 8 we learn to measure temperature using an LM35, a thermistor and a BMP280. Then in chapter 9 we combine the code created for the LM35 and for the thermistor so that both devices can display their measurements at the same time.

In chapter 10 we learn how to use the PIC to control the speed of a DC motor. The chapter starts with details of the simplest control circuit using one N channel MOSFET. We learn how to change the simple circuit, still using one MOSFET, so one side of the motor connects to ground. Then we connect all eight MOSFETs as complementary pairs to form two bridge circuits and create the software so the PIC can reverse the motor and control the speed in both directions.

In chapter 11 we study the control of stepper motors starting with a simple circuit using the four N Channel MOSFETs. Then we use all eight MOSFETs connected as two bridge circuits to control a four lead stepper motor to get maximum torque. (It can be a six lead stepper motor with the centre tap ignored).

Chapter 12 introduces micro stepping so that we can reduce the overshoot by gradually decellerating the last step of a pattern.

Price List
The course is usually supplied with an LCD which plugs into the front sockets and usually the software is supplied on CD. If you require an LCD which plug into the middle sockets and or the software on memory stick you must send an email request to pic@brunningsoftware.com before placing your order

Option A:

PICs and Power 2nd Ed..... £79.00
including delivery to UK

GPICHSM supplied built and tested.

Book: Exp with PICs & Power 2nd Edition
        180 pages 240x170mm.
+ GPICHSM general purpose PIC circuit.
+ 2 line 16 character LCD.
+ Keypad
+ PIC18F24K22
+ LM35 temperature sensor.
+ Thermistor temperature sensor.
+ BMP280 temperature & pressure sensor.
+ PIC assembler and assembler text on CD

Note: A DC motor and a stepper motor are
needed for the experiments in chapters
10, 11 and 12. They are not included in
the price.
Option B:

As option A
+ P205 programmer..... £99.00
including delivery to UK

GPICHSM supplied built and tested.

Home Price List Order Info P955H PIC Training Course BMP280 Mini Training Course PIR & RF Data Training Course