P955H PIC Training and Development Course comprising..... USB Powered 8 bit, 16 bit & 32 bit training circuit + Book 1: Experimenting with PIC Microcontrollers 7th edition + Book 2: Experimenting with PIC C 8th edition + Book 3: Experimenting with Serial Communications 5th edition + Book 4: Experimenting with 32 bit PIC C 2nd edition + 8 bit PIC assembler and programme text on CD + Resistors, capacitors, white LEDs and motors kit + PIC16F1827 and PIC16F1936 test PICs + PIC18F25K22 test PIC + PIC18F2450 USB 8 bit test PIC + PIC24FV08KM202 16 bit test PIC + PIC32MX150F128B 32 bit test PIC + USB to PC lead 2 off (To programme 16 bit or 32 bit PICs you will need to plug on a PICkit4 which you can buy from Microchip for £64 or a PICkit3 which you can buy from aliexpress.com for £30) |
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