Home Price List Order Info P955H PIC Training Course BMP280 Mini Training Course PIR & RF Data Training Course

Customers' Feedback
If you would like to make a comment about our web site or one of our products which you have purchased from us please email to:- pic at brunningsoftware dot com
Email received
10th May 2024
Hello Peter and good day!
I am calling from Pune India!
would like to know the procedure to order the following:
1. Experimenting with PIC C
2. PIR and RF Data Course-option1
3. Experimenting with BMP280(kit)-option 1B

I have already done:
1. Experimenting with P955.
2. Experimenting with 16F877A
3. Experimenting with C & C++

The above kits were purchased by my uncle in London.
He has now retired.
Thank you again for a really good course.

GP (India)

GP paid by direct bank transfer
We received the payment on 17th May 2024
Despatched on 29th May 2024
Delivered on 6th June 2024.
Email received
23rd February 2023
Thank you Peter for your continued support. I am really enjoying myself and will heed your advice.

Regards, SS (UK)

SS recently purchased our Mini PIC Training Course.
Email received
23rd October 2021
Hi Peter,

I am finding your course (P955H) really enjoyable as well as instructional.......

Best wishes, SW (UK)
Email received
14th October 2021
Hi Peter,

It's real value for my son to be ocuplied because he can't work since lockdown......

Kind regards, EM (Canada)
Email received
17th June 2020

My company bought this course (P955H) for me about 3 years ago, and I must say it taught me more than I ever thought possible......

Best regards. WW (UK).
Email received
19th May 2020
Hi Peter,

Many years ago (maybe 10 years) I purchased a PIC training course from you. Yesterday I ordered a P955H system. Will the old files which I have created over the years be compatible?......

Regards CH (UK)

Peter Brunning replies: Yes! Some layout changes are needed but this is done automatically when the file is loaded. You will also need to manually change single quotes around a string of text to double quotes.
Email received
2nd January 2020

I purchased your PIC training course back in 2009/10 and really enjoyed working through it. Can you tell me if I would benefit from upgrading to the new training course?

Regards, BW (UK)

Peter Brunning replies: Yes, the feedback I have from customers who have updated to the P955H has been very positive. But if your interest is mainly in assembler you should consider our PIR and RF Data PIC training course. If your interest is mainly in PIC C you should consider our Altitude and Total Height Gain Measurment PIC training course. If you need more help it would be best for you to telephone me.

BW writes: Many thanks for your reply. I have decided to go for the PIR and RF Data PIC training course, and have just placed the order.
Email received
23rd May 2019
Hi Peter,

Getting on well so far. The PCB has been assembled and ready for action over the long weekend. Book looks superb as usual and I really like your conversational style. I will keep you updated.

Regards, ST (UK)

ST purchased our P955H PIC training course in December 2016 and recently purchased the kit version of our Altitude and Total Height Gain Measurment PIC training course.
Email received
13th February 2019
Hi Peter,

Experimenting with PIC C 7th Edition P955H training course. Can you help me?. Chapter 4.2 every time I try to build the project I get the following error messages......

I'm running MPLAB 5.10 and XC8 2.05.

Kind Regards,

Peter Brunning replies: Late last year (2018) Microchip bought out XC8 versions 2 and from this version onward Microchip have removed the 'bit' definition. The simplest solution is for you to download the latest version 1 XC8. I have rewritten the affected code and the updated book is now available. The lastest system works the same so there is no advantage from the code point of view but the latest text is a little more obvious. The PIC C book on its own is usually 25.00 GBP but I am offering a 10.00 GBP discount for customers who want to update from edition 7 to edition 8.

GS writes: Thank you for your reply I thought it might be a problem with the compiler. I have reverted to an ealier version of XC8 and that's resloved the issues. I think in the interest of maintaining upward compatibility I will purchase the revised book.
Email reply to
telephone call
20th December 2018
Peter Brunning writes: Thank you for your telephone call telling me that there is a problem using my training course with version 2.00 of the XC8 PIC C compiler. This is the first time that this problem has cropped up so it must be that Microchip have taken out some features when version 2 was created. I have just spent many hours looking into the problem and decided that I must update the PIC C book. This will take at least 4 weeks. Please let me know if you have been able to download an earlier version of XC8.

GD (UK) replies: HI peter, I downloaded an ealier version of XC8 v1.44, everything working. Thank you very much for your help.
Email received
24th February 2018
Hi Peter,

I am enjoying the 'PIR & RF Data' training course which is up to your usual high standard.......


Email received
12th January 2018
Hi Peter,

Parcel delivered mid-afternoon, which is great.

Many, many thanks for your excellent service

Kind regards,
NB (South Africa)

P955H was dispatched 8th January and delivered 12th January
Email received
12th January 2018
Hi Peter,

The P955H parcel arrived on Tuesday a.m. in excellect condition - beautifully packed too!
I look forward to using it.

With thanks,

Email received
17th November 2017
Hi Peter,

Parcel has been delivered. The box is a little torn but the contents seem to be fine.

Thanks very much,

Peter Brunning replies: Thanks for letting me know. I hope you enjoy the course.

PN writes: Yes, it looks substantial - bet it took you forever to create it! (P955H complete)

Email received
1st March 2017

Got the Books today (P955H course). My husbsand is already using them. He says they're great. Just what he was looking for.


Email received
1st December 2016
Hi Peter,

The kit has just arrived. Superbly packed I must say! The P955H really is a thing of beauty. Love the obvious care and thought that's gone into its construction. The little raised part to help support the PICkit3 noted!

I read through your introduction (Experimenting with PIC Microcontrollers, 7th edition) and I admit I laughted out loud at your take on the Raspberry Pi. It's exactly what I think......

All the very best,

Email received
13th February 2016

..... thank you very much for the course..... I could never get to grips with certain aspects, you however have explained some parts superbly for me.

Thanks again,

Email received
15th February 2016
Hello Peter,

...... The PIC training course I received from you last year was of great help in my University course and I attained a High mark for my fourth year Project......

RC (Australia)

Email received
28th September 2015

Just thought I'd let you know that I have just started the course book and am really enjoying the progress I'm making - so far everything seems to be very well balanced and challenging and the mist is beginning to clear! The text is very well written and at a good pace. I'm running the assembler software on an iMac using Windows 7 in a virtual machine (Parallels) and everything works a treat

Many thanks,
(Purchased P955 with books 1 2 3)

Email received
16th September 2015

Email received
17th September 2015

Have you checked your programmer driver functioning in Windows 10? I am getting a lot of serial link timing out indications. Your instructions generally work but things are not as smooth as they were under Windows 8.1.
MK (Canada)

Peter Brunning replies...... When using Windows 10 you must always start the Brunning Software assembler running before switching on the programmer module. This is not a problem as it is the usual way of using the system. If you do turn the programmer on first you may get a HARDWARE NOT REPLYING error in the programming software.

Thanks for your help. I now have it working (with Windows 10). The price you quote for the (PIC32 update with the) adaptor (for use with my P931 programmer) is reasonable. I would like to order one.
MK (Canada)

Peter Brunning replies...... Airmail postage to Canada (or USA) for the PIC32 update with just book 4 and the adaptor is 13.00 GBP without tracking or 18.00 GBP with tracking. I will ask PayPal to send you a payment request.
Email received
20th August 2015
Hi Peter,

Just to say that all received and installed faultlessly. Already making inroads. Totally impressed.

Many, many thanks,
K (UK)
(Purchased P955 with books 1 2 3)

Email received
13th January 2014
Hi Peter,

Just to let you know I had a reasonable play with the P942 training course over the weekend. I am not new to programming or electronics. I have been in the industry for 38 years so I did not buy the kit specifically for myself but for a friend who repairs controllers in ...... which are based on the PIC and asked if I could help him with the reprogramming of the PICs, so after looking at a few different kits. I settled for yours. I have found it to be well organised and easy to follow even a beginner would have no problems. Whilst I have done little programming with the new series of PICs your kit has inspired,me to come up with some ideas in which I can custom make PICs for ....... since they are becoming the craze over here. I am looking forward to exploring the kit in more detail.


Email received
29th March 2013
Hi Peter,

I am nearing completion of your P942 course which I have found instructive and enjoyable. I have today placed an order for your PICs and Power extension course.

I want in the very near future to purchase your Book 2 including Radio PCB, and PIC controlled Plant Propagator. Please send me the ordering information.


J.M (UK)
Google Checkout
Review 6
14th February 2012
Overall, very good transaction. Timely delivery, packed well,I will buy from Brunning again.
5 out of 5

Mr R.S. (Devon)

Google Checkout
Review 5
4th October 2011
(no comment given)
4 out of 5

Mr C.B. (Australia)

Google Checkout
Review 4
25th September 2011
Worked seamlessly, very happy
5 out of 5

Mr R.R. (Australia)

Google Checkout
Review 3
12th March 2011
I am very pleased with the service I received from Mr Peter Brunning. I changed my order just prior to dispach but he repacked to include updated item and kept me informed by text/phone of latest status/delivery.
5 out of 5

Mr M.B. (Essex)

Google Checkout
Review 2
9th March 2011
Very Smooth Transaction.
5 out of 5

Mr M.Y. (Leicestershire)

Google Checkout
Review 1
21st February 2011
Seller replied very promptly to my email enquiries. Item was shipped very promptly and was very well packaged.
5 out of 5

Mr M.E (Hertfordshire)

Email received
12th July 2011
Hi Peter,

I bought your pic training course about 10 years ago and found it to be very good indeed. I now have a younger sibling who is showing a keen interest and so I was hoping to pass on the course to him, however, I realise that things have moved on quite a bit in the intervening years! Having a browse through your website I notice that you offer a programmer upgrade option, which is great news! So essentially I would like to take advantage of the upgrade offer and in addition purchase the latest course books. I was wondering if you could give me a quote for this?

Kind regards,

S.A (Oxford)
Email received
20th December 2010

Having most of my experience of high level programming languages and IDEs, assembly is, as I expected, a real eye opener, but the agility of it is interesting.....

I am enjoying the course (P182 parts 1 & 2), not dry at all and not having to faff about on the bread board just to setup a circuit to understand one concept is a huge bonus.

L.M. (London UK)

Email received
15th December 2010
Hi Peter,

All good. I've progammed my first PIC!

Thanks for your patience.

M.R. (Suffolk UK)

Email received
22nd October 2010
Dear Peter,

Having taught for 15 years at Natal University, part of which involved Electronics, you might be interested in some feedback on how I have used your course......

If you want anyone to endorse your teaching method please feel free to ask me. I am most grateful for all your input.

Kind regards
Robin (South Africa)

Email received
9th September 2010
Hi Peter,

I just like to say thanks for the tools and books that i bought off you (P928 training course). It has helped me so much with my job........

Thank you
Nick (England UK)

Email received
31st December 2009
Hello Peter,

Many thanks for your help........

Just to let you know: I'm enjoying the course and books (PH28 training course), particularly the Visual C# component.

Best wishes,
S. M. (England UK)

Email received
11th May 2009
Dear Peter,

I have received the package 2 weeks ago and I’m very pleased with it, it allows me to get up to speed with PIC’s very quickly. I’m especially happy with the BSPWA-16F simulator, which proves to be a great training tool......

I really enjoy the BSPWA-16F simulator. It would have been a great asset if a similar simulator was available for the 18F pic’s.
(Note: The 18F simulator was added a few weeks after this email arrived - a free update was sent to Robert).

Kind Regards,
Robert (Netherlands)

Email received
20th August 2007

Just wanted to say how pleased I am with the P927 PIC Training Course. Was a little dubious but as soon as I set the kit up I have nothing but respect, it is great, fun and enjoyable. The great thing is it is so easily understandable from the books!

Can't endorse it enough ! best investment I ever made !

Many thanks !

Steve (England)
Email received
4th March 2007
Hi Peter,

I have worked my way through your Visual C# package that was bought for me at Christmas. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I just can't leave it alone, it's certainly motivated & inspired me.

I did a Visual BASIC course (previously) & really struggled with it. Visual BASIC is pretty useless for maths & graphics functions in my opinion.

Kind Regards
MC (England)
Email received
11th February 2006
Dear Peter,

Just a short message to say that both parcels arrived safely on 10th February.

I am most impressed with the quality both of the hardware and the manuals, as well as your approach to the teaching of the subject matter. I can offer no greater compliment than to say they are on a par with the original 'Applesoft Tutorial' which undoubtably was the main reason for the early success of the old Apple II computer......

Many thanks,
R R (South Africa)
Email received
28th November 2005
Hello Peter,

Thank you for the delivery of the PIC training & development system P801. I was pleased with the ease that the system set up and found myself into the course before I realised.

I feel I must add to your list of E-Mail congratulating you on your PIC course. I have been teaching electronic systems for more years than I'm willing to admit and have found your course most instructive and interesting.


Peter H (UK)
Email received
29th March 2005
Hi Peter,

Thanx for the response. It is really good to have an "expert" I can ask for help when the going gets real tough. I really appreciate you coming back to me as quickly as you did.

After much design and testing with a scope I have decided to totally redesign my data transmission portion. I have changed to use interrupts and hardware flow control. Now the good time starts...writing the code and testing it. My first attempt early last week really showed my inexperience in modem comms but I have spent the weekend really testing every aspect I could dream up and am now confident I should get the results I am looking for.

Thanx once again for the help.

Best regards,
Dave (South Africa)
Email received
28th April 2004
The Exp With PIC16F877 (serial edition) with programmer was received on 22.4.2004. Thanks for the very quick delivery...................

Your study materials are the best anyone can get anywhere in the world. Thank you for the excellent work.

Thanks and best regards
Neville (Sri Lanka)

Peter Brunning replies......Thank you for letting me know that the goods have arrived, and thank you for your good comments. It is satisfying to know that the work is appreciated.

Neville purchased our original PIC training system in May 2001 and has now purchased the latest version.

Email received
30th March 2004

I received your wonderful learning kit about 3 weeks ago, although, it just came back into my hands. One of my colleagues "borrowed" it. He has high praise.

The delivery was spectacular. Your learning kit arrived more rapidly than some electronic components I ordered at the same time from here in the US.

Thanks, Ron (USA)

Ron's PIC Training and Development System was despatched Thursday 26th February 2004 and arrived the following Monday 1st March 2004. But do bear in mind that delivery times vary according to the delay in USA customs.